Welcome to the Travel and Earth Mysteries Society. 

This site provides a quick reference to the events diary etc for members and provides for any passing visitors contact details for the society.

The society has a variety of interests under the Earth Mysteries umbrella. These days it is largely internet based with occasional largely social meetings where guest speakers or members present their ideas for discussion. Field trips are sometimes organised maybe once a year and include visits to general historical sites and other sites of specific interest to TEMS members. The general focus of TEMS is investigative in nature and its members bring their own experiences and beliefs/ understanding to those investigations.

TEMS uses an online email group for daily exchange of chit chat and news. The site also hosts an archive of eTEMSNews, the society newsletter that is published whenever it happens. 
A recent project was to transfer articles from the earlier paper version and compile into a series of newletters under the umbrella name eTEMSNewsRedux.

It also hosts photo albums of field trips and events and provides file storage, web links.

Some examples of eTEMSNews are included here on this site for review - see TEMSNews articles section.